Inspirational Keynote Speaker
Best-selling Author,
“Mourning Has Broken”
Podcaster Professional MC
Commercial & Voiceover Artist
Writer Broadcaster Blogger
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Latest Journal
February 10, 2025Monday, February 10, 2025
Just a thought… Individually we are one drop, but together we are an ocean. [Ryunosuke Satoro]
I figured, since the day of hearts is this week, I’d open my mine to you about another kind of love: the sort that has a more sterile name, but can be just as filled with hand-holding, tear-wiping and load-carrying as the other. And sometimes it lasts even longer. I’m talking today about partnership.
Many of us recognize we’re better with someone than on our own. It’s not a knock to our independence, our strength or our abilities; it’s a recognition that as someone wiser than I put it, when we work toward a common goal, achieving success matters more than who gets the credit.
I’ve had several partnerships in my life, and I’ll focus on the ones that were “gold star.” No one wants to hear about the ones that looked fine but were, behind the curtain, far less than ideal or even bearable. We’re going through that on the political stage right now, thanks; no one needs it here today. (That said, if you haven’t seen BC Premier David Eby on stage at the Invictus Games opening ceremony Saturday, find it, watch it, and tear up as I did!)
My near 37-year marriage to Rob is my first. We like to joke that “there’s a lot to be said for inertia” but it’s the partnership – in the best and absolutely worst of times – that will always matter most in my life.
My work partnerships have played out on the public stage. Teaming with Mike Cooper from 2004 until 2016 was the joy of a blessed career, and our friendship was real and endures to this day. As different as we were, we found common ground in our hearts and the way we did a radio show. It worked because we respected, liked and eventually loved each other. How lucky I am!
There were partnerships in which I trusted where I shouldn’t have, hoped for more than they could possibly give (hindsight and therapy are great for seeing that now) and that were doomed from the start. But to focus on them, unless to learn, does no one any good.
When the radio career in Toronto ended, I found a new partnership – one also born out of friendship. Lisa Brandt and I had met through our shared beloved medium of radio, built that friendship through common threads, and maintained it over the years via correspondence and trips. We’ve always lived far apart, but now through our weekly show together, we keep in touch far more often than most old friends, texting/writing daily.
It was during one of her visits that we came up with a solid idea and a name for our podcast. And a few months later on my visit to her place, we laid down our first show, scrapped it, and kept trying until we got it right. 112 episodes and 150,000+ downloads (countless more listens) later, Gracefully and Frankly is only getting stronger. In fact Lisa’s been working tirelessly and patiently to build us our own website. She makes jewelry! She writes books! She puts together a beautiful website! The woman is a neverending wonder. I’ll use the word “blessed” once again.
There’s one more partnership that I hold dear in my heart: the ties that bind you and me. We may never have met, but somehow over the past 30+ years you’ve come to feel you know me, and I hope that you do. When Rob and I suffered the worst loss parents can survive, you were there for us. When I put out a book telling of our love, loss and reclaiming joy, you made it a #1 bestseller in Canada. The fact that it continues to be read warms both of our hearts. When I’ve asked you to consider a cause or donate to something I deem worthy, you’ve done that. You offer advice, comfort and humour. You stay in touch. You even share your deepest thoughts, including about your grief or addiction.
You have given me your trust, and I hope that every day I continue to earn it.
There are a lot of different partnerships. It seems this week is a good time to recognize how vital they can be in our lives, in whatever form they may be. And since unexpressed gratitude is no good to anyone, I thought you might like to know just how much you’ve meant to me. Consider it my valentine to you, a bit early, but definitely in earnest.