Erin's Journals

Wed, 03/07/2018

Erin’s Journal

Erin Davis Journal Link to Podcast


Just a thought… You must never underestimate the power of an eyebrow. [Jack Black]

Hey – before we go any further – here’s an invitation to log on and join us for a webinar – just an online chat, to talk about the Tulip Time Cruise that Mike and I are hosting next April on AMA Waterways through The Netherlands and Belgium. The link to register is here. I’ve never been a part of one of these; I’ve logged on to passively observe and even write questions as it goes, but not actually as an active participant. So here’s to another learning experience!
I tried something completely different nearly four weeks ago and wanted to share it with you here today. Have you heard of microblading? It’s a technique for doing eyebrows, wherein tiny scalpel cuts are made and dye is put in. The cuts are all about the size and length of an eyebrow hair and eventually your brows look fuller, darker (if you want) and hopefully like you want them.
My eyebrows have never been spectacular – not that I thought brows could be; I mean there was Liz Taylor, Brooke Shields and that’s about it when I was growing up. But now women are sporting these beautifully shaped and manicured brows and I decided that I wanted to explore that side. Here’s a picture of how good the brows can look from a random model shot I found. 

model eyebrow

I got a recommendation from a local esthetician I trust and booked an appointment with a lady near View Royal, about a twenty minute drive from us (which everything is, it seems). I took this before I saw Elham.

Erin Davis

Then as I lay on her table, she measured and drew and dyed…

Erin Davis

Then she applied a numbing gel which really worked for me; only once did I feel a little twinge. Then again, I have a pretty good pain threshold; this is a kid who had an acupuncture facial more than once. So, yeah.

Erin Davis

And finally, with an extremely thin and fine blade, Elham (a lovely lady whose background is an exotic mix of Egyptian and Greek) began to draw me some eyebrows!

Erin Davis

We had our challenges and I’ll tell you about them tomorrow, along with the “after” pictures. The first week was not pretty and I was very glad to have nothing on my calendar except a visit with my aunt and uncle, who refrained from any Groucho Marx jokes. 
Take care and don’t forget to join us today for the webinar at 4:30 EST . I can’t wait to see how this works!

Erin DavisWed, 03/07/2018