Erin’s Journal
Just a thought… Friday the 13th is still better than Monday the Whatever. [Internet meme]
Here it is Friday and this day (hopefully not an unlucky Friday the 13th), Rob and I are grabbing our helmets, inflating the tires and taking our bicycles out on a riding adventure with our Sidney friends. I’m told there’s lunch when we get there, so I think I can keep going! Luckily, despite a lot of hills in our neighbourhood, we’ll be on mostly flat terrain. I hope!
I had promised more pictures and stories today from our travels, but I just plain ran out of time this week to get some more scenic shots organized and up for you. Yesterday, Molly was getting groomed, we were visiting with family and running errands and then had a lovely dinner with Rotary members in honour of our incoming group president and board. So you see, this reWirement stuff is definitely keeping us busy! Oh, and don’t let the scowl fool you – she had just a great time and got top marks from the folks at Petsmart!

I wanted to close this week with a couple of quick shots that aren’t scenic but are, I hope, poignant.
On our way from Las Vegas to Arizona and Utah, we stopped in for a brief phone meeting with my publisher back in Toronto, and grabbed a quick bite while we did. The temperature was, according to our car thermometer, 44C and the asphalt of the parking lot as we walked into the Walmart/Subway was skillet hot. The desert breeze felt more like a hair dryer set on low speed, but at its highest temperature. Unbelievable.
But this made me hotter under the collar than the weather ever could have:

Of course, we’d seen our share of T-shirts like the one from the casino I shared with you earlier this week. But this? Absolutely disgusting. I couldn’t resist taking a shot – but only with a camera. Clearly this person is armed to the teeth, and damned proud of it. Meantime in Utah, the March for Our Lives kids from Stoneman High in Florida are being met this week by Utah gun nuts driving a tank and pointing what I’m told is a fake machine gun at them. Lovely.
Fortunately, the entire state of Utah hasn’t lost its collective mind. As we made our way through the orderly grid of streets that make up downtown Salt Lake City, I had Rob back the car up after I saw this on a stop sign near an elementary school.

Thankfully, saner heads at least attempt to prevail once in a while.
Whatever you’re doing this weekend I hope it’s restful or memorable. Thanks for coming by and we’ll get right back at this again on Monday. Take care. Stay lucky.