Erin's Journals

Monday, December 7, 2020

Just a thought… Nothing is ever really lost to us, as long as we remember it. [Lucy Maud Montgomery]

Isn’t it funny the things that spark conversations? Yesterday on Twitter, Consumers Distributing was trending after someone posted this:

When I saw my friend Lisa Brandt, who blogs at and whom you can follow on Twitter @lisambrandt, had tweeted on it, I thought we should have a chat!

We did, and I invite you to listen in. Please click here, if you’d like to hear our conversation.

It felt like a hug on a cloudy Sunday to connect with my dear pal, with whom I shared radio studios at CHFI, and who did mornings for years at 680 News in Toronto, as well as in London and many other spots on the radio map. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Talk to you here on Thursday.

Rob WhiteheadMonday, December 7, 2020