Erin’s Journal
Just a thought… I have measured out my life in coffee spoons. [T.S. Eliot]
How about some coffee talk today? You know that when it comes to that ol’ black magic, I’m really serious. How serious? Let me give you a few examples: Rob actually packed a cappuccino/espresso machine in the car as he drove down to California where we’re staying for a few months.
And that’s not all: these were in my suitcase for those 16 days on the road this month.

Yes, indeed, four kinds of coffee – all ready for whatever brewing system the hotel room offered. It seems that I went to a lot of trouble, and you’re right, I did, but it’s such a shame to have two people, two coffee pods and that’s it. Who exactly gets by on just one coffee? (No show of hands necessary – that’s okay.)
Last week, during my final chance to introduce Michele Romanow of Dragons’ Den on CBC, I thought I’d play up my small addiction. I pulled out of a bag all four of those coffee pods/bags and said I had an idea for an invention: an app that would tell travellers just what kind of coffeemaker is in a hotel’s rooms. She asked me from the floor, “Wait, don’t they have coffee in the rooms?” And I answered that of course they did, but there was never enough!
Now, to be fair, Michele doesn’t drink coffee; if she has a tea at lunch, she’s still buzzing by evening. (Lightweight!) But I think there’s merit to it, if the logistics weren’t so darned daunting.
I mean, I will go on a hotel’s website or look up on TripAdvisor to see if any mention is made of a coffeemaker. I love just to sit in bed (if our schedules allow) and sip on a coffee or two or three before we get our day going. Luckily, last week for the Nespresso in the room, I was able to pad out to the hall in my robe and slippers and ask Karen in housekeeping if she could give me some more. She filled a bag with them and ensured a big tip on the spot – and when I left!
I told Michele I would let her in on it for only five million dollars. And since there’d been a story about her and her life/business partner having secured $70 million for Clearbanc loans (it was in the Globe and Mail Monday, November 12) I thought it would be a no-brainer, right?
Well, clearly, Michele thought my idea was a bit of the same. Only I was the no-brainer and we had a big laugh. By the way, Michele says people come up to her with ideas all the time. Come to think of it, I bet Simon Cowell gets sung at in airports, for that matter. One of the hazards of being in the business of discovering, I guess.
Although I would totally use that hotel coffee maker app, I just don’t know how to make it happen. (Perhaps I could get TripAdvisor or SeatGuru to look at it…CoffeeGuru?) I could come down from my five million…do I hear four? Okay, three, but that’s my final offer!
Have a good one and we’ll be back with you here tomorrow.