Erin's Journals

Wed, 10/17/2018

Erin’s Journal

Erin Davis Journal Link to Podcast

Just a thought… The power of imagination makes us infinite. [John Muir]

Well, that was a surprise: went to see A Star is Born a second time. I haven’t seen a movie twice in close succession like that since Dunkirk. But we were in downtown Sidney, BC (our closest town), it was $6 matinee Tuesday and we had nothing to do. Perfect. And better still, I enjoyed it more the second time around, having a new appreciation for the music and Bradley Cooper’s massive achievements in that area, as well as direction and acting. Of course, Gaga left us gaga again.
If you’re going to see it, again I’ll bring up the F-bomb warning. But it’s a good movie. A really good movie. For what it’s worth, I saw the 1976 version on the weekend and just didn’t enjoy it. I can never forget I’m watching Barbra Streisand when I’m seeing a movie with her in it…and that’s a movie where you just want to get lost in the possibility of it all. Nope. But Kristofferson was great.
When we emerged from the theatre we were treated to a Christmas scene right in downtown Sidney. 

Sidney, BC

No, it wasn’t a Calgary weather moment; they’re making a Hallmark movie. And guess what? We’re one of the locations. I know; if you’re in Toronto you’re saying, “Big deal…we’re every movie’s backdrop.” Yeah, I remember!
Anyway, it’s called Christmas Bells are Ringing and since it’s probably going to start airing in just over a month, if anyone sees it on the schedule, would you give me a shout? Of course, you’ll be forgiven if you miss it; this is one of just 36 Christmas movies Hallmark is putting out in 2018 (if the internet is to be believed). 36? I don’t even send out that many Christmas CARDS never mind watch that many movies! Bet boy and girl end up together. Or they find some cool Hallmark ornaments and buy out the store…? 

Sidney, BC

FYI, Christmas Bells stars Emilie Ullerup of Chesapeake Shores and Josh Kelly of UnREAL. We didn’t stick around long enough to make nuisances of ourselves, but it reminded me of the days of shooting TV commercials.
Remember the one with the family that did gymnastics and acrobatics down the stairs and out of the house in the morning show ad we did for CHFI? That was big fun. The actors were terrific and, best of all, it was all interior shots. In the next round, there were some that we shot out in a driveway; those turned out to be my final ads.
We did take after take, just to have a garbage truck do its work in roads nearby and a guy begin doing his lawn care – mower and all – right in the middle of the shoot. Of course, neighbours don’t really care what’s going on, as they have to get their stuff done, too, but it’s quite a dance trying to shoot between noisy outbursts so they don’t have to be removed later in post-production.
And our tiny town of Sidney being directly in the flight path of Victoria International Airport, you can be darned sure that they had to retake plenty of shots when the WestJet and Air Canada prop planes and jets (as well as Alaska Airlines and Coast Pacific flights) started their climb out of the airport and right over the town’s main drag. I’m sure a lot of dialogue is re-recorded after the shoot, or would have to be in the case of this town. Beautiful blue skies for their backdrop today couldn’t be nicer for this Cape Cod-set film. Just switch one ocean for the other, right? That’s showbiz!
Before I go, I have to include a link to a 40-second video. I happened upon it yesterday and it was so sweet, I wanted to share it with you here in case you’ve missed it. It’s sibling love at its finest and just reminds you of all of the good things in the world. Love Trumps All (and I use that verb advisedly). You’ll want to turn it up to hear what he says. It’s a reminder that, together, we are all “stwong.”
Enjoy the day – back with you here tomorrow.

Erin DavisWed, 10/17/2018